Average successful crowdfunding campaign is around $7,000.
The highest converting sharing tools are: Email: 53%!Facebook: 12% and Twitter: 3%.
92% of those surveyed trust recommendations by friends, family, and word of mouth above all other forms of advertising.


Crowdfunding is all the rage.And there's a reason it is.Crowdfunding platforms raised $2.7 billion in 2012 and the expected annual growth for 2013 is estimated to be 89% which equates to a total value of $5.1 billion raised.

First, what exactly is crowdfunding?"Crowdfunding is the practice of funding a project or venture by raising many small amounts of money from a large number of people, typically via the Internet."

However for organizations and changemakers, it's so much more.Beyond the obvious benefit of increased donations, crowdfunding is a social tool that engages your supporters, makes them part of your team – engenders a sense of community, while raising awareness of your cause and simultaneously growing your brand recognition.

Click to enlarge.(Crowdsourcing)

How Crowdfunding Increases Your Social Reach and Donations

With traditional online giving, a donor makes a gift to your organization and after the transaction is complete, the interaction is also finished until you reach out to them again.However crowdfunding for organizations and changemakers turns your supporters into proactive, empowered, and engaged Cause Champions, who spread your message throughout their social communities.

Imagine you have a donor list of 1000 people.After sending out an email to your list, 100 of your supporters create their own fundraising pages, sharing their campaigns across their social networks and asking their friends and family to donate.The average person on Facebook today has 130 friends, so with a simple push of a button your supporters have just spread the word to 13,000 people.Now imagine just 10% of those people decide your cause is one they believe it and they want to donate on their friend's personal page.You've just received 1,300 new donors.

A personal endorsement from your donor to their friends and family fuels the giving and spreads awareness faster than any marketing brochure could hope to do.So, if you are not currently using Crowdfunding in your fundraising strategy, the time is now to add it into the mix of your online solutions.This is where we come in.

欢迎来到HTH官网CauseRoar's Crowdfunding Tools

Most organizations think of crowdfunding and immediately think of the services where you compete with 100s of other organizations trying to raise money on a 3rd party site.欢迎来到HTH官网At CauseRoar, the tools we offer our clients are 100% hosted on your website, eliminating the need

Click to enlarge.欢迎来到HTH官网(CauseRoar)

for sending your supporters off to a 3rd party website and paying fees (for instance, Kickstarter charges 5% fee of the funds collected).

We setup your crowdfunding site, brand your pages, train you and even create campaign materials to help you market your new venture.The tools we offer get you where you want to go quickly and cost-effectively while keeping all the control in-house.

Read more about what we can do 4 u
