42% of online adults use multiple social networking sites.
56% of those that support nonprofits on the Social Web confirm that compelling storytelling is what motivates them to take action on behalf of nonprofits.
55% of those who engage with organizations via social media have been inspired to take further action.

Advocacy campaigns for Organizationsand Changemakers that get attention

You've seen them online!clean, powerful, grab you in 2 seconds campaigns that make you want to find out more.欢迎来到HTH官网That's what we not only do at CauseRoar, but it's what we love to do.

Helping Organizations Spread Their Message Online

We work with you to find your story, a simple but powerful one and we transform that story into content that inspires and allows people to experience the work that your organization does (and where donations go) through compelling copy, beautiful design, images, and video.

That's the gold.That's what gets your supporters attention.

And that's the fun part.But there is a lot more to do to transform your idea into a successful venture.The nuts and bolts of offline, online and social marketing are the next steps and are essential to your campaign's success.It's like everything in life, if you know the steps to take and you take action, results follow.

欢迎来到HTH官网CauseRoar is your partner in getting your story told and heard.

The Internet is a blank canvas for organizations that know how to cut through the noise and find new ways to get supporters to listen and take action.欢迎来到HTH官网At CauseRoar we know how to help you find the right message, get it to the right targets and transform an ask into an action that produces donations for your cause and lasting change.

Read more about what we can do 4 u
