Social Networking App

Social Networking App

Your members are the heart and soul of your organization.

Whether you are an association, an advocacy group, a foundation, a healthcare organization, or any type of changemaker group, your members are the heart and soul of your organization and nurturing those relationships fosters deeper, more meaningful levels of member engagement.

Our Social Networking App provides your members with an authentic social experience that is focused on connections, education, discussions and shared experiences, where members interact and drive conversation, participate in activity they can't find on general social networks, and receive acknowledgment.

欢迎来到HTH官网Unlike public social networks, CauseRoar's members only social networks are used for creating a private online community where discussions, member directories and all content is secure.

Engage with Supporters

华体会坑吗Instead of the one-sided traditional marketing tools to get the word out, Social Action Apps engage supporters and provide a platform to let their voice be heard.This changes the dynamics of building awareness and raising funds.A relationship is created!one where both your organization and your supporters are engaged

Boost Fundraising Results

欢迎来到HTH官网When your supporters use the CauseRoar Social Action Apps, they are taken to a Thank You page and receive an email that asks for their donation to support your cause.Each action your supporter takes is tied to an ask!

Grow Your Supporters

Each step of the way, supporters are asked to share their actions on social networking sites using pre-written messages by your organization and tell-a-friend emails to enable your supporters to get their friends and family involved.

Responsive Design and Easy To Use

Cutting-edge coding optimizes websites for desktops and provides "app-like" experiences on smartphones, and tablets.华体会坑吗Training is provided, so that your staff can quickly manage your supporters' social actions through a back-end admin interface.

Ready to take your organization to the next level?
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