欢迎来到HTH官网CauseRoar offers in-house digital and marketing consulting services for organizations.Our goal: to be a true extension of your team.By listening to your goals and vision (and making them ours), we're able to formulate creative solutions to drive success for your digital and marketing projects.

In a perfect world, your organization would have a department dedicated to online and marketing communications, staffed by professionals in these areas.But in the nonprofit and changemaker world, employees often wear multiple hats and are stretched thin - simply taking on responsibilities as tasks arise.

Organizations face many of the same complex issues that confront for profit organizations, though very often with fewer resources to address them.That's where we come in.Our role as your in-house consultant will be to work with you on a monthly basis to meet your online, marketing, event management, and fundraising objectives.

Advantages of an In-House Consultant

  • Eliminating the need to hire full time employees.
  • Having a team of professionals bringing specialized skills, experience, and knowledge to your organization.
  • Tapping into a range of expertise in different areas of online solutions and marketing communications.
  • Ensuring that your online marketing and campaigns, event management and fundraising activities are done with the correct technology and completed in a timely manner.

Our team of creative, skilled and knowledgeable professionals can help you in the following ways:

Online and Branding Services

  • Design and development of your website.
  • Maintain, update and develop new concepts for your website.
  • Create and develop print and email newsletters.
  • Create and develop html emails.
  • Creative direction, design and production of brochures, campaign materials, promotional materials, and all printed materials.
  • Managing print production including: get printing bids, and overseeing scheduling, quality and management of the entire print process
  • Copywriting services

Event Management Services

  • Design and development of event website
  • Determine best technology and systems for online event registration, speaker and exhibitor management.
  • Design and develop event promotional materials, program, interactive DVDs, brochures, signage, mobile apps and sponsorship materials.
  • Work directly with event exhibitors and speakers to ensure all materials are received and are in the correct format for print and online.
  • Create RFPs for video production and manage selection and implementation of video services.
  • Design and develop livestreaming online video
  • Design and develop online media center for pay per view video purchases.
  • In-house printing of signage materials and management of all print services.

Marketing Communications Services

  • Review current marketing and fundraising materials and offer recommendations.
  • Review marketing strategies in place and offer recommendations.
  • Oversee the implementation of all marketing activities.
  • Assist your organization in developing your in-house marketing proficiency
  • Manage public relations campaigns to gain media coverage.
  • Copywriting services
  • Manage Social Media marketing

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