While most think of ecommerce as an online store, ecommerce functionality for organizations extends beyond this narrow definition.Organizations have numerous needs depending on their mission: donations, event and conference registrations, crowdfunding, membership renewals, webinars, online video sales and more.
欢迎来到HTH官网CauseRoar builds Ecommerce functionalty with "The Ask" in mind.This is critical to the online success of an organization's web presence.While your website should not solely exist to raise money from your supporters, it certainly should be a major consideration when creating your site.
You've got a great opportunity immediately after someone has purchased tickets to an event, renewed their membership, purchased a product or any revenue producing action.Your supporter has made a decision to invest in your organization.There are two places you can take advantage of this moment:
欢迎来到HTH官网At CauseRoar, we specialize in bringing together ecommerce functionality with your mission in mind leading to greater success generating revenue for your organization.