Give your supporters the online tools to be part of the conversation.

欢迎来到HTH官网CauseRoar Social Action App Demos

欢迎来到HTH官网CauseRoars' unique Social Action Apps allow you to move your supporters beyond Share, Like or Comment.Now, instead of just asking people to click Share on a webpage, you can give them the tools to Tell Their Story, Become An Ambassador, Post A Tribute, Create A Petition, and other actions to support your mission and show their support through real-time actions on the web.

华体会坑吗In order to allow you to fully appreciate the features and functionalities of the Social Action Apps, you have free access to the software!The demo site content is refreshed daily to protect the privacy of site users and to better ensure its stability.Try out the demos below.

VideoWall Social App Demo

华体会坑吗Video Wall Social Action App

RoarWall Social App Demo

RoarWall Social App Demo

SocialWall Social App Demo

SocialWall Social App Demo

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